Delivering Successful Projects requires Time, Skill and Experience.
Alvy Projects provides bespoke Development Consultancy and Client Advisor Services to help Clients Confidently secure the Project Outcomes they Seek.
Noelle McManus MRICS, ARB and RIBA Client Advisor offers services on an interim and consultancy basis.
Development Consultancy Services
Development Consultancy is a specialised form of Project Management applied in a Property Development context.
The service provides clients with support across land assembly, site selection, development advisory, feasibility studies, securing planning permission, procurement and construction support, together with management and disposal advice.
Development Strategy and Inception services
Development Programme creation and mobilisation
Development Management from inception to completion
Delivery Monitoring in Partnership Arrangements
Attendance on wider Property Development Matters - legal agreements, funding and finance strategies, land/title matters and valuation matters.
Capital Funding Business Case preparation
Development Appraisal and Business Case Preparation
Supplier procurement, appointment and management
Confirm and Challenge Project Reviews
Stabilisation of troubled projects - design, cost, programme and appraisal reviews.
RIBA Client Advisor Services
RIBA Client Advisers are experienced practitioners who work as part of the Client team. They are independent of the design team, providing impartial and informed advice to help the client manage the design and delivery process from its earliest stages, to achieve better outcomes.
RIBA Client Advisors are accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects in recognition of their all-round procurement expertise, design experience, business knowledge and track-record of delivering results on construction projects.
Supplementing the client’s in-house resources – with People, Skills and Knowledge
Demystifying the process – procuring Consultant and Contractor teams that are the best fit for a project
Understanding user experience – capturing Lessons Learnt to the projects advantage.
Governance support - designing it for streamlined decision making with report preparation support.
Informing the wider Business Plan – through Technical know-how
Writing the brief – creating a Shared Vision, defining requirements, success factors and criteria
Engaging stakeholders and community – a trusted Independent Facilitator
Identifying project risks and opportunities – and how to mitigate and secure them
Promoting good design – embedding design review and evaluation processes.
Promoting good programme outcomes - by reviewing and commenting on consultant and contractor programmes
Promoting quality - through documentation, construction outcomes and positive experience for everyone involved.
Meeting the challenges of Climate Change – defining carbon targets, biodiversity and flood resilience.
Process design - stakeholder management, briefing journey and handover process design under building contract and other legal documents.
Development Strategies
Commercial Residential and Mixed Use Development
Affordable Home Delivery, Cross Subsidy and Estate Regeneration
Build-to-Rent and Private Rental Sector Models
University Capital Programme delivery
Public Sector Capital Programme delivery
Culture, learning and Leisure Programme delivery
Local, Regional & Mayoral Authorities
Organisations aligned with Local Authorities
Housing Associations
Universities and Hospital Estates
Commercial Property Developers and
HNWI’s, Family Offices and Landed Estates.
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Lets Work together
We’re always looking for new opportunities to support Clients. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and how we can start working together to deliver them.
1 Define Requirements
You know the project outcomes you want, you just don’t know how to get them. Contact us today to discuss your options and create a project strategy.
2 Agree Services
From Client Advisory to Development Consultancy, the professional services you need are bespoke to your project requirements and resources.
3 Start Collaborating
Working together to deliver your project is an exciting and challenging opportunity to learn and evolve as a Client. Let us begin the journey!